What About the Business Opportunity?
Besides the benefits you obtain the average person can also work from home and make money with MCA by becoming an home business associate. Agents are paid every occurring Friday for each personal sale accumulated. The commissions are generous too, as we are paid 200% per sale generated. For note: If you are looking for jobs through Motor Club of America then continue searching in your journey because "we" are home business owners or sales agents, we determine our own destiny in this business. So, no cubicles are handed out in MCA. Work hard and get paid well from your own intellect. Once you sign up just login to your MCA back office for sales, team, billing, and tracking information to manage your account and business. The misconception about Motor Club of America is you must pay to get paid, however, you can join MCA free without paying a dime today.
The compensation plan is pretty decent. Remember when I said that you get paid 200% commissions, well, that's $80 for every sale made. You see, every single time you sale the flagship product, "The Total Security Package plan" for $40 you will be compensated double that amount. The company depends on it's associates to do the marketing and advertising which is why the money goes to the members who promote the service. That cuts out commercial, newspaper advertising, radio, social, and several other logistics that comes with promoting because "YOU" are their source of connecting with more customers, word-of-mouth (sales agents, social networking, network marketing, etc.).
The Motor Club of America Video Below Explains It All! The Truth About The Founders, Service & Opportunity. Scroll Down To See The Video Now!
Welcome to Motor Club of America Wiki, hope you've enjoyed the video above, finally, you have heard everything you needed to know about the business. Now, here is the hard truth about Motor Club of America associates, business structure, those who critique the company and several practices I personally consider a little unorthodox, but it works well! First, the company is very legitimate on terms of providing a real service and helping the average Joe launch a home based business for himself issuing road service policies. You the people who are selling the services by creating headlines such as "MCA Scam", "Motor Club of America Scam of 2015", "Motor Club of America Scam", and many other insidious headlines because they 'know' skeptics will click on these links because this may seem to verify what is already pre-loaded in their thoughts, "its a scam".
If Motor Club of America is a scam then we should only have only one choice of service and product from every single company in this country. Meaning, only one restaurant, retail, furniture, insurance and clothing store franchise should exist, not 2 or either 3. I'm not defending the 88 year old company, TVC Marketing INC. my intentions is to think logical about a simple question that surrounds the mind of many people who are interested in this service, is it a scam and the answer to your answer is NO! How I know? I've actually subscribed to MCA roadside assistance service, "The Total Security Plan". Over the past year I have used the towing service feature (4) times and the mobile tire change feature (5) times.
I live in Florida so that means without transportation with a job you are doomed for failure (not to sound so dramatic), but liable transportation will take you farther during your life in the south rather than not having it. No, I'm not trying to sell you a thing, but I'm very glad to have told my personal story or review of this service, it's REAL and the BEST Motor Club on the market in my opinion!
mcaisokay.com/ - A good resource for learning more about Motor Club of America roadside assistance services. It also explains TVC MCA Motor Club Total Security plan. No need for looking into the BBB or a wiki site to see if this is a scam when you have a person who've actually done a review and uses the membership.
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